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Lifelong Friend of the School
The Lifelong Friends of the School programme has been developed to give Islanders, past and present, the opportunity to support the school’s future and preserve its legacy. All donations are accepted by the Island School Trust. Everyone in the community is invited to become a Lifelong Friend of the School. There are two ways you can do this, with a: Friends, or Family donation.

By making a donation of $1000 HKD you will become a Lifelong Friend of the School. Your name (or a name you nominate) will be added to the Friends gallery on the Lower ground floor, situated between the main entrance and the library between.

By donating as a Family in excess of $5,000 you will be supporting the school's legacy of developing a lifelong love of learning. Family gifts will also be acknowledged in an honour gallery of names, located on the central pillar in the main learning plaza, one of the focal points on campus.
You can select to have all your family members listed in the gallery or just your family's last name.
The impact of each donation will be significant and wide-ranging. The programme will support students’ social change projects - projects that advocate for human rights, tackle climate change and support the vulnerable within our community. These real world learning experiences require funding. There are many areas where a broader, more authentic and relevant education incurs costs. The Friends programme will help teachers to bring learning to life, by funding resources within the classroom, lab or maker space.

Islanders have always looked beyond
themselves and sought to make a contribution to society. Ida and Hannah, Class of 2020, and their team ran a series of creative workshops for people who do not have the same opportunities as them.
A donation to Island School now is a donation to support students' social change projects.
Social inclusion

Island School, like many academic
institutions, is addressing the world's biggest issue climate change. Click the "read more" link below and meet Anya Saunders, Wilberforce, one of the student founders of the Plastic Retakit project.
Anya’s project is one of the initiatives adopted by the school to help create a zero waste campus.

Community English is a student project that has gone from strength to strength. Island School students are hosting language workshops that focus on STEM, Art, Music and Drama. Children
from local kindergartens and schools are invited to small group or one-to-one sessions.
Ms. Teri Eves, Lead Teacher of English said: “If you walk past a room where a session is running you hear laughter and conversation. I think both sets of students enjoy getting to know each other and find common ground. Then it’s the similarities that are reinforced, rather than any differences.”
Nicola and Kenneth Bursary
Corporate Matching
The Nicola and Kenneth Bursary fund is a charity that was started in memory of two Island School students who died in 1985. Each year, with the support of their families the Island School community has raised money to help children in severe financial need. Principals from different Hong Kong schools nominate driven and committed secondary school students for a bursary award. Each awardee is given $3,000 which they use to support their education. Bursaries are typically used to cover tutoring costs, exam fees or textbooks, sometimes they are spent on basic living costs such as food or transport.
One Form 6 student, received the bursary. He explained, “In Secondary 4, my father was no longer in my life, leaving my mother to support my life and education.”
He used the money to purchase reference books for his DSE examinations as well as food. He said, “The money was very useful to support my living expenses and relieve the stress on my mother. I am very thankful.”
Student 2 said, “I come from a poor family and my parents can just earn enough to keep the wolf from the door. I did not have a chance to join any extra-curricular activities. After receiving the grant, I can join different activities to widen my horizons. I can also buy more learning materials. It helps me to prepare for exams effectively.”
Many people within the Island School community have chosen to support the Nicola and Kenneth Bursary fund through their corporate matching schemes. Find out more by clicking the links below to understand how you can use corporate funding to support vulnerable teenagers in Hong Kong.