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Brian Talks Ted
Island School hosted its very first iteration of TEDxIslandSchool on Friday 19th of January, with the theme of “Pop!” The student and guest speakers gave the audience some new perspectives on social norms within society.
Brian Wong (Wilberforce, Class of 2015), Assistant Professor in Philosophy at HKU talked about how individuals do possess agency in an era of geopolitics.

The Write Idea
Renowned author Hannah Bent (Nansen, Class of 2004) took Elements Class: Writer's Block, on a journey into a writers' process, from the generation of ideas to publication. The students applied her advice to their work, as they develop pieces for the HK Young Writers Award or Imaginings (a school publication). Hannah also talked about her favourite books and her own writing processes.
Prioritising and Planning
Year 11 students welcomed Counselling Psychologist & Behavioural Therapist Chloe Wong (Da Vinci, Class of 2013) to Island School this month. Chloe spoke to Year 11 students about prioritising their well-being as they prepare for examinations. She shared effective strategies and activities to support wellbeing. Chloe works at the The Alpha Clinic in Hong Kong, helping people with their mental health. Students were tasked with creating a personal well-being plan to use alongside their revision plan.

Meet Maisy (Nansen, 2024), Charli (Ng Yuk Secondary School) and Cynthia (Rutherford, 2008), they have all honed two important skills: speaking and listening. Charli and Maisy met at Community English, an after school programme which offers secondary school students a chance to practise English speaking in a fun and relaxed way.
The after school club (supported by the Island School Trust) had a positive effect on both Maisy and Charli who say they grew in confidence and gained new skills.
Cynthia is Co-Founder of Hong Kong Shifts a social enterprise that captures the stories of Hong Kong shift workers and uses storytelling as a tool to build bridges in our community. She was commissioned by the Island School Trust to work with a group of students to capture the stories of those associated with the Trust's projects, Community English is just one of the projects highlighted.
In our technology obsessed society their stories make it evident that talking face-to-face and listening to strangers changes lives.
The stories will be displayed at the Winter Fair on 1 December.
The Island School Trust was established in 2006 following the school’s 40th anniversary. Since its formation the Trust has evolved in terms of its priorities and projects. Currently the Trust is focused on enriching all students' learning experiences in three ways. Firstly it supports teaching and learning on campus, it helps teachers bring learning- to- life by making the right resources available at the right time. Secondly it supports students' social change and environmental projects and their collaborations with NGOs. And lastly the Island School Trust supports three charities: Baiwan in China, Katja House in Nepal and the Nicola and Kenneth Bursary fund.
Read their stories here.
Karen Robertson (Rutherford, 1979) has won the Cross Harbour Race twice! The first time was in 1975, aged just 15 years old. Karen has dedicated her life to swimming and now owns 'Float Plus,' the company recently recruited to host Island School's extracurricular swimming activities. Karen and her colleagues visit the campus 3-4 times a week.
As well as competing in challenging races in Hong Kong Karen has also swam at events globally.

Winter Social
The Winter Social is back! This year's Winter Social at Grappa's Cellar, LG/f Lee Garden Two, Causeway Bay. Alumni can book campus tours on the day of the social with free buses from 20 Borrett Road to Grappa's.
Register here
Event Details
Time: 6 pm - late
Date: 7 December 2023.
Location: Grappa's Cellar, LG/f Lee Garden Two, Causeway Bay.
The Trust
Trees are very symbolic, The Tree of Life, The Giving Tree and the Tree of Knowledge are phrases and titles we are all familiar with. Island School's Trust Tree is at the heart of the school.
The gold and silver leaves display the names of Lifelong Friends of the School who have chosen to make a donation to the Island School Trust. Everyone in the Island School community is invited to become a Lifelong Friend of the School.